shaping the stars of tomorrow

Our Blog

Welcome To Our Blog

Here we share useful advice for students applying for placements, including CV, cover letter and interview guidance, as well as other hints and tips to help you find your perfect placement.

We also have case studies from past placements, and guest posts from employers, students and academics alike. If you'd like to submit a guest post, please email

Not getting a placement?

Not getting a placement?

Read on for an insight into employer’s feedback on unsuccessful students. Feedback from Employers on CV's The reason many students were not short listed for interview was due to poor quality of CV's. Employers felt that: CVs in the main are not ... read more

Student Advice

Interested in attending a Speed networking event? Read our FAQs here

Interested in attending a Speed networking event? Read our FAQs here

Speed networking FAQs What is a Speed networking event? This event gives you the opportunity to meet with employers face-to-face, find out more about the industry you are about to enter, and get up-to-date information about upcoming placement op... read more

Student Advice

The use of social media in your quest for a placement

The use of social media in your quest for a placement

Social media is a massive part of everyday life and that includes when it comes to searching for a placement. Facebook, Twitter and Linked In can all be used as tools to help you find a placement opportunity. Whilst Social media can be used as a... read more

Student Advice

Want to write the perfect cover letter?

Want to write the perfect cover letter?

A cover letter is the perfect accompaniment to your CV and if done right can be the difference between success and failure. It’s the first thing an employer will see and the perfect opportunity to sell yourself. In fact, more and more employers ... read more

Student Advice

A guide to writing a CV that will get you noticed

A guide to writing a CV that will get you noticed

You are the right person for the job! But does your CV say that? How can you increase your chances of an employer selecting you for interview? Let’s start by looking at the common mistakes: Refers to wrong company (often a cut and paste error) O... read more

Student Advice

Page 5 of 541 records
Featured Placement
Leonardo Summer Placements Edinburgh - 13 weeks Systems Engineer Job Description: The 13-week Summer Industrial Placement Programme We have created a...
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Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley is a leading financial services firm. Our vision and goals can only be achieved through hiring, training and rewarding the best people. Morgan Stanley is a true global...

Employer List
Industry News
CENSIS – Scotland’s centre of excellence for sensor and imaging systems and Internet of Things – has teamed up with Scottish Engineering to create 40 internship opportunities for engineering students. Bridging the gap between academia and industry, the organisations are working with e-Placement  Scotland  to identify the work experience opportunities for students...
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