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Should I use Linked In as a student?

20th Nov 2017

Should I use Linked In as a student?

In short the answer is yes, however be mindful that it is not simply another social media platform.

Linked In is a professional networking site and therefore you need to make sure that you are using it correctly.

Make sure your profile photo is clear and professional, keep your holiday snaps and pictures from nights out off this site.

Update it regularly, make sure to add in completed projects or any relevant new skills that you have acquired.

Follow companies that are of interest to you, don't be afraid to join in discussions if you have a valid opinion, but try not to be so opinionated that you stand out for the wrong reasons.

Connect with people, but don't be a pest, try to connect with people who you may cross paths with in the future and who will help advance your career.

Linked In can be a valuable tool even as a student as long as you use it correctly, keep it professional, keep it relevant and keep it up to date.


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